Mercredi, la Coordination des musulmans de Dakar, par le biais de sa commission d'observation du croissant lunaire, a annoncé qu'elle célébrera la fête de l’Aïd-El-Kébir, communément appelé Tabaski le samedi 4 octobre quant à la Commission nationale d’observation du croissant lunaire (CNOCL) la fête sera pour le dimanche 5 octobre.
99 Names of Allah (swt)
Mercredi, la Coordination des musulmans de Dakar, par le biais de sa commission d'observation du croissant lunaire, a annoncé qu'elle célébrera la fête de l’Aïd-El-Kébir, communément appelé Tabaski le samedi 4 octobre quant à la Commission nationale d’observation du croissant lunaire (CNOCL) la fête sera pour le dimanche 5 octobre.
Mercredi, la Coordination des musulmans de Dakar, par le biais de sa commission d'observation du croissant lunaire, a annoncé qu'elle célébrera la fête de l’Aïd-El-Kébir, communément appelé Tabaski le samedi 4 octobre quant à la Commission nationale d’observation du croissant lunaire (CNOCL) la fête sera pour le dimanche 5 octobre.
àjjuma 02 tabaski 1435
SUBA : 06W00
TIMIS : 19w08
GEEWE : 20w08

Saudi Arabia announced Hajj on Friday, Oct 3, 2014 and Eid al-Adha on Saturday, Oct 4, 2014.
Says, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, Chairman, Fiqh Council of North America
SUBA : 06W00
TIMIS : 19w08
GEEWE : 20w08
Moonsighting for Dhul-Hijjah 1435
29 ذو القعدة 1435هـ
الموافق 24
سبتمبر 2014م واس
أعلنت المحكمة العليا ثبوت رؤية هلال شهر ذي الحجة لهذا العام 1435هـ مساء اليوم الأربعاء وأن غداً الخميس هو غرة شهر ذي الحجة والوقوف بعرفة يوم الجمعة التاسع منه الموافق للثالث من شهر أكتوبر 2014م .
وفيما يلي نص بيان المحكمة العليا :
القرار رقم ( 63 / هـ ) وتاريخ 29 / 11 ـ 1 / 12 / 1435هـ
الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وبعد : فقد عقدت المحكمة العليا بمقرها بمدينة الرياض جلسة مساء هذا اليوم الأربعاء التاسع والعشرين من شهر ذي القعدة ليلة الخميس الأول من شهر ذي الحجة لهذا العام 1435هـ حسب تقويم أم القرى، متحرية ما يردها من المحاكم عن رؤية هلال شهر ذي الحجة لهذا العام 1435هـ. وبعد الاطلاع على ما وردها من المحاكم ولجان الترائي في مناطق المملكة بهذا الخصوص، فقد ثبت لدى المحكمة العليا رؤية هلال شهر ذي الحجة مساء هذا اليوم الأربعاء التاسع والعشرين من شهر ذي القعدة عام 1435هـ بشهادة عدد من الشهود العدول. وبهذا يكون يوم غدٍ الخميس الموافق للأول من شهر ذي الحجة عام 1435هـ حسب تقويم أم القرى الموافق الخامس والعشرين من شهر سبتمبر ـ أيلول ـ من عام 2014م هو غرة شهر ذي الحجة لهذا العام 1435هـ، والوقوف بعرفة يوم الجمعة الموافق للتاسع منه ويوافق للثالث من شهر أكتوبر ـ تشرين الأول ـ عام 2014م، وعيد الأضحى المبارك يوم السبت الذي يليه .
والمحكمة العليا إذ تعلن ذلك لعموم المسلمين لتسأل الله العلي القدير أن يوفقهم للعمل بما يرضيه، ويتقبل منهم صالح أعمالهم، ويتجاوز عن سيئاتهم، وييسر لحجاج بيته سبل أداء حجهم، وأن ينصر دينه، ويُعلي كلمته، إنه سبحانه سميع مجيب. وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحابته أجمعين .
رئيس وأعضاء المحكمة العليا
عبدالعزيز بن إبراهيم الحصين د. عبدالإله بن عبدالعزيز آل فريان سليمان بن إبراهيم الحديثي
أحمد بن حمد المزروع محمد بن شريم الشعبي عبدالله بن عبدالرحمن القاسم
سعد بن محمد الغامدي عبدالعزيز بن عبدالله السبيعي
رئيس المحكمة العليا
غيهب بن محمد الغيهب
// انتهى //
19:41 ت م
أعلنت المحكمة العليا ثبوت رؤية هلال شهر ذي الحجة لهذا العام 1435هـ مساء اليوم الأربعاء وأن غداً الخميس هو غرة شهر ذي الحجة والوقوف بعرفة يوم الجمعة التاسع منه الموافق للثالث من شهر أكتوبر 2014م .
وفيما يلي نص بيان المحكمة العليا :
القرار رقم ( 63 / هـ ) وتاريخ 29 / 11 ـ 1 / 12 / 1435هـ
الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وبعد : فقد عقدت المحكمة العليا بمقرها بمدينة الرياض جلسة مساء هذا اليوم الأربعاء التاسع والعشرين من شهر ذي القعدة ليلة الخميس الأول من شهر ذي الحجة لهذا العام 1435هـ حسب تقويم أم القرى، متحرية ما يردها من المحاكم عن رؤية هلال شهر ذي الحجة لهذا العام 1435هـ. وبعد الاطلاع على ما وردها من المحاكم ولجان الترائي في مناطق المملكة بهذا الخصوص، فقد ثبت لدى المحكمة العليا رؤية هلال شهر ذي الحجة مساء هذا اليوم الأربعاء التاسع والعشرين من شهر ذي القعدة عام 1435هـ بشهادة عدد من الشهود العدول. وبهذا يكون يوم غدٍ الخميس الموافق للأول من شهر ذي الحجة عام 1435هـ حسب تقويم أم القرى الموافق الخامس والعشرين من شهر سبتمبر ـ أيلول ـ من عام 2014م هو غرة شهر ذي الحجة لهذا العام 1435هـ، والوقوف بعرفة يوم الجمعة الموافق للتاسع منه ويوافق للثالث من شهر أكتوبر ـ تشرين الأول ـ عام 2014م، وعيد الأضحى المبارك يوم السبت الذي يليه .
والمحكمة العليا إذ تعلن ذلك لعموم المسلمين لتسأل الله العلي القدير أن يوفقهم للعمل بما يرضيه، ويتقبل منهم صالح أعمالهم، ويتجاوز عن سيئاتهم، وييسر لحجاج بيته سبل أداء حجهم، وأن ينصر دينه، ويُعلي كلمته، إنه سبحانه سميع مجيب. وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحابته أجمعين .
رئيس وأعضاء المحكمة العليا
عبدالعزيز بن إبراهيم الحصين د. عبدالإله بن عبدالعزيز آل فريان سليمان بن إبراهيم الحديثي
أحمد بن حمد المزروع محمد بن شريم الشعبي عبدالله بن عبدالرحمن القاسم
سعد بن محمد الغامدي عبدالعزيز بن عبدالله السبيعي
رئيس المحكمة العليا
غيهب بن محمد الغيهب
// انتهى //
19:41 ت م
Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) Announcement Regarding Eid ul-Adha
The Fiqh Council of North America will follow the Official Announcement of Saudi Arabia.
Says, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, Chairman, Fiqh Council of North America
Pèlerinage à la Mecque de "V.I.P" : Le Dg de l'Artp à la Mecque depuis dimanche, Khalifa Sall prend son vol ce soir
DAKARACTU.COM Ils ont verrouillé leur "Haj" (Pèlerinage a la Mecque),
mais c'était sans compter avec nos radars. En effet, nous tenons de
sources concordantes que le Dg de l'Artp, Abdou Karim Sall a quitté
Dakar depuis dimanche pour rallier la capitale de l'Arabie Saoudite. Il
sacrifie ainsi au "Haj".
L'édile de la ville de Dakar également entend sacrifier à ce pilier
de l'Islam. En effet , il nous revient de sources proches de Khalifa
Sall qu'il se rend ce mercredi soir à la Mecque.
En outre, nous avons appris que la diva Fatou Guéwel, qui a dédié une
chanson panégyriste à la Première Dame aurait bénéficié d'un billet de
Marième Faye Sall. D'ailleurs, l'auteur de Noreyni s'est envolée pour la
Mecque 24 h après le tournage du clip pour Marième Faye...
Cape Town squatters battle plans for Muslim hotel
12 October 2010. 4 years ago!
The Kraal was first occupied by squatters in the early 1980s
BBC's Mohammed Allie reports on a historic disused quarry, the last
piece of vacant urban space on the edge of Cape Town's central business
district, which has become the subject of a dispute between 150
squatters who live there and one of South Africa's oldest mosques that
wants to build a Muslim-friendly hotel on the land.
Nestled in the quarry above Cape Town, the informal
settlement known as the Kraal has sweeping views of South Africa's
iconic Table Mountain and the city's trendy Waterfront and harbour
areas.The area, first occupied by squatters in the early 1980s, has grown to accommodate 24 shacks housing 150 people, including many children.
“Start Quote
Osman Shabodien Bo Kaap Civic Association chairIt's against the scripture of all religions to evict poor people from their homes”
In recent months, several
newcomers have erected plastic and corrugated iron dwellings in a narrow
slit of ground about 100m away from the main camp.
The mosque authorities, led by Imam Moutie Saban, have
complained about rising crime in the area. Tourists have been robbed and
cars and houses broken into.The mosque's sound system has been stolen and toilet facilities smeared with faeces.
The city's law enforcement authorities say the Kraal has been used as a hideout by criminals escaping police.
"Yes, we have had a criminal element and drug dealers but they have been arrested and are now in prison," says Kraal community leader Kenny Prins.
Infuriated Imam Saban wants the area upgraded and has applied to the city council, which owns the land, to build a no-alcohol hotel, along with a business centre and a heritage centre on ground, which adjoins the back part of the historic Jameah mosque.
Community leader Kenny Prins says squatter residents must be given proper housing
The mosque was built on land where the first Friday congregational prayers were performed in South Africa in 1790.The mosque has already bought the house next door and wants to extend prayer facilities and the toilet block to accommodate the increasing number of worshippers.
Belinda Walker, city councillor for the area, confirmed receiving an unsolicited application to develop the land from Imam Saban and his son Wafeeq.
"Last year Imam Saban and his son came to see me about their proposal to extend the mosque. They proposed a development on the site of the quarry which would cross-subsidise their upgrade because of the high cost of the renovation.
“Start Quote
Mareldia Abrahams Kraal residentI have been on the council's waiting list for 17 years but to this day I'm still waiting for my house”
"They said funding was available
to build a Muslim-friendly hotel which would serve no alcohol and would
meet the dietary needs of Muslim visitors. It would also allow for a
separate swimming pool for females," says Ms Walker.
But the proposal has infuriated the Kraal community, as well as local residents represented by the Bo Kaap Civic Association."It's against the scripture of all religions to evict poor people from their homes, so we need to ensure the residents of the Kraal have access to decent housing before moving them from the site," says Osman Shabodien, chair of the association.
"The area has huge historical and heritage significance, so whatever we eventually decide to do, it will have to be carefully planned and we need to consult with the surrounding community.
"Any development has to benefit the entire community and not just a few individuals," says Mr Shabodien.
Solid rock Mr Prins says residents of the informal settlement need to be given proper housing before there can be any thought of developing the land.
Many of the Kraal residents grew up in the area and will not accept being moved to the council's Blikkiesdorp resettlement camp, some 28km (18 miles) away.
Mosque authorities have complained about rising crime in the area
"Our children attend school in the area, so you can't just uproot them," says Mr Prins.Kraal resident Mareldia Abrahams, a 54-year-old mother of four, says she would be prepared to move should the council provide her with a formal house.
"I have been on the council's waiting list for 17 years but to this day I'm still waiting for my house," says Ms Abrahams.
According to Ms Walker, there are no immediate plans for the land as a long consultation process still has to be followed.
"We are currently busy with a heritage study which will inform us what sort of development is suitable for the ground. We then need to advertise the development proposals for public comment so the entire process will take at least a year," she says.
Ms Walker ruled out providing formal housing on the land for Kraal residents.
"The area is situated on solid rock, which means it will be difficult and very expensive to lay underground sewerage and water connection pipes for council-subsidised housing. There are also up to 250 informal settlements in Cape Town that need our attention," she says.
Cape Town shuts South Africa's pro-gay mosque
The Open Mosque accepts people from all religions and sexual orientations
Africa's first gay-friendly mosque, which also allows women to lead
prayers, has been closed indefinitely, a local official has told the
A City of Cape Town councillor says the newly established
Open Mosque had violated municipal by-laws by not having any parking
spaces. The mosque officially opened its doors on Friday despite criticism from members of the local Muslim community.
Founder Taj Hargey said the mosque would help counter radicalism.
"The City Council is trying to close the mosque using ridiculous bylaws and I will not be threatened by them or anyone else," Mr Hargey told the BBC.
"We have freedom of religion and expression in this country. No-one has the right to tell anyone what to believe in. This is a gender equal mosque, autonomous and independent and will remain so," he said.
"This is an emotive issue - some councillors who are Muslim would want to defend the issue more vigorously than those that aren't but the bottom line is we have to make sure that the rules are followed," he told the BBC.
He said Mr Hargey had not applied to change the use of the building from a warehouse to a mosque.
"There are issues of health and safety to consider before [a mosque] is set up," Mr Hendricks said.
The process of applying for the necessary paperwork could take up to six months, he said.
Mr Hargey told the BBC that he believed everything was in order.
"It is pure intimidation. Why are they so scared? Because they know if this mosque succeeds their theological monopoly is over," he said.
"This is not a gay mosque. But I will not turn anyone away based on race or sexual orientation.
"This mosque is based on the original mosque in Medina with one door where men and women come together to pray.
"I want my mother, wife, daughter to pray alongside me. Not be second class citizens. They pray together at Haj, why can't they pray together in the mosques of the world?"
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